Józef BurijAge: 701867–1938
- Name
- Józef Burij
- Given names
- Józef
- Surname
- Burij
Family with parents |
father |
Jan Burij Birth: about 1830 23 24 — Olejów Death: June 23, 1887 — Olejów |
mother |
Maria Olejnik Birth: between 1833 and 1834 — Olejów Death: November 15, 1869 — Olejów |
Marriage: November 4, 1855 — Olejów |
12 years himself |
Józef Burij Birth: September 9, 1867 37 34 — Olejów Death: May 19, 1938 — Olejów |
Family with Wiktoria Owczarz |
himself |
Józef Burij Birth: September 9, 1867 37 34 — Olejów Death: May 19, 1938 — Olejów |
wife |
Wiktoria Owczarz Birth: February 24, 1871 34 29 — Olejów Death: November 7, 1906 — Olejów |
Marriage: August 4, 1891 — Olejów |
5 years daughter |
Katarzyna Burij Birth: November 24, 1896 29 25 — Olejów Death: |
6 years daughter |
Zofia Burij Birth: October 30, 1902 35 31 — Olejów Death: September 27, 1934 — Olejów |
Birth | September 9, 1867 37 34 |
Death of a mother | Maria Olejnik November 15, 1869 (Age 2) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Antoni Burij December 9, 1869 (Age 2) |
Death of a father | Jan Burij June 23, 1887 (Age 19) |
Marriage | Wiktoria Owczarz — View this family August 4, 1891 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Katarzyna Burij November 24, 1896 (Age 29) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Zofia Burij October 30, 1902 (Age 35) |
Death of a wife | Wiktoria Owczarz November 7, 1906 (Age 39) |
Death of a daughter | Zofia Burij September 27, 1934 (Age 67) |
Death | May 19, 1938 (Age 70) |