Wiktoria RadomAge: 531806–1859
- Name
- Wiktoria Radom
- Given names
- Wiktoria
- Surname
- Radom
- Married name
- Wiktoria Owczarz
Family with parents |
father |
Jan Radom Birth: Death: |
mother | |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Wiktoria Radom Birth: about 1806 — Olejów Death: February 4, 1859 — Olejów |
8 years younger brother |
Józef Radom Birth: about 1813 — Olejów Death: February 19, 1862 — Olejów |
Family with Paweł Owczarz |
husband |
Paweł Owczarz Birth: about 1787 — Olejów Death: August 25, 1856 — Olejów |
herself |
Wiktoria Radom Birth: about 1806 — Olejów Death: February 4, 1859 — Olejów |
Marriage: November 6, 1831 — Jezierna |
2 years son |
Michał Owczarz Birth: 1833 46 27 — Olejów Death: |
5 years son |
Jan Owczarz Birth: about 1837 50 31 — Olejów Death: February 13, 1884 — Olejów |
3 years daughter |
Anna Owczarz Birth: 1839 52 33 — Olejów Death: |
6 years son |
Stefan Owczarz Birth: 1844 57 38 — Olejów Death: |
Paweł Owczarz + Helena Dwijny vel Podwójny |
husband |
Paweł Owczarz Birth: about 1787 — Olejów Death: August 25, 1856 — Olejów |
husband’s wife |
Helena Dwijny vel Podwójny Birth: Death: before November 1831 |
Marriage: — |
step-daughter |
Maria Owczarz Birth: about 1818 31 — Olejów Death: |
7 years step-daughter |
Zofia Owczarz Birth: May 11, 1825 38 — Olejów Death: |
Birth | about 1806 |
Birth of a brother | Józef Radom about 1813 (Age 7) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Paweł Bielec vel Bielecki vel Bilecki December 24, 1828 (Age 22) |
Marriage | Paweł Owczarz — View this family November 6, 1831 (Age 25) |
Birth of a son #1 | Michał Owczarz 1833 (Age 27) |
Birth of a son #2 | Jan Owczarz about 1837 (Age 31) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Anna Owczarz 1839 (Age 33) |
Birth of a son #4 | Stefan Owczarz 1844 (Age 38) |
Death of a husband | Paweł Owczarz August 25, 1856 (Age 50) |
Death | February 4, 1859 (Age 53) |